Emerging Printed Electronics Research Infrastructure
Free-of-charge access for research & technology organizations, industry and small-medium enterprises to develop projects on sustainable flexible large-area printed electronics and photonics.
The EMERGE consortium, composed by 11 top-ranked European partners, opens the 6th Call for proposals on flexible large-area printed electronics and photonics.
Applicants from academia and industry are invited to apply to gain free access to develop projects related to any of the 4 groups of transnational access activities envisaged by EMERGE:
Tools available within TA1-4 can be found in the section “Services & Infrastructures”.
Proposals can be submitted through the EMERGE website, section “proposal submission”. Please check our “user guidelines” for all the information regarding access rules to EMERGE network, proposal submission and evaluation.
Coordinator: UNINOVA-CEMOP, Campus da Caparica, 2829-516 Caparica – PORTUGAL
Phone: +351 212 948 525