
Multinozzel Slot Die

Transnational Access Activity/Installation
TA3. Prototype fabrication • TA3.3. Industrial printing

Equipment: Multinozzel Slot Die

Technique: Roll-to-roll Printing, coating


The multi nozzle slot die head consists of 13 separate channels and reservoirs where 13 1 cm wide stripes can be coated with 13 different solutions. The slot die is used in combination with the roll-to-roll line (at the same location at HIERN; also mentioned at TA3.3). With this slot die different material(-combinations) can be coated simultaneously in printing directions. Due to this method the evaluation of new materials can be accelerated, as a lot of variations can be done within one coating run with industrial coating and drying processes.


  • 13 individual channels and reservoirs
  • 1 cm wide coating
  • In combination with roll-to-roll line and femtosecond/nanosecond laser for patterning
  • In-line quality control for printed stripes (e.g. UV/Vis absorption)