
Professor Jakub Krzemiński shared his expertise in microprinting at a seminar held in UNINOVA

Professor Jakub Krzemiński shared his expertise in microprinting at a seminar held in UNINOVA

Prof. Jakub Krzeminski recently visited UNINOVA in the framework of the EMERGE project and shared his knowledge at the seminar titled “Microprinting Advaces: Aerosol-Jet Printing in Miomedical Engineering at Warsaw University of Technology”. Prof. Jakub Krzeminski is an assistant professor at the CEZAMAT PW – Centre for Advanced Materials and Technologies (Warsaw University of Technology) and Head of the Printed Electronics and Structure Assembly Laboratory. 

The presentation covered the fields of expertise of the Department of Printed Electronics, e-Textiles, and Assembly at the Centre for Advanced Materials and Technology at Warsaw University of Technology. Developed technologies along with ongoing research topics were also discussed.

The presentation also covered research topics and collaborations conducted by Prof. Jakub Krzeminski. This included microprinting techniques (mainly Aerosol-Jet Printing), and the development of printed devices for biomedical applications: such as smartpatches, microelectrode arrays for neurobiology, together with electronics applications.

Finally, ongoing projects and collaboration were presented including horizon projects: EMERGE and INFRACHIP along with external users programme opportunities. 

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