
Plotter cutter: Graphtec Cutting pro FC2250-60

Plotter cutter: Graphtec Cutting pro FC2250-60
Transnational Access Activity/Installation
TA3. Prototype fabrication • TA3.1. Device Preparation

Equipment: Graphtec Cutting pro FC2250-60
Technique: Plotter cutter 
Contact person (RISE): Yusuf Mulla (yusuf.mulla@ri.se)
Responsible: Anurak Sawatdee (anurak.sawatdee@ri.se)

Description: Plotter that uses a knife to cut materials such as paper and plastic films for e.g. prototype or sample preparation purposes. The thickness depends on the knife that is install in the equipment. Thicker materials require larger knife. The substrate size is up to 60x60cm. 

Specifications: Substrate size 60x60cm. The thickness of the substrate depends on knife that is installed.