
Humidity-Controlled Measurement System (HCMS)

Humidity-Controlled Measurement System (HCMS)
Transnational Access Activity/Installation
TA4. Characterization of prototypes and demonstrators

Equipment: HCMS

Technique: Advanced material characterization under controlled humidity conditions


The Humidity-Controlled Measurement System (HCMS) is designed for advanced material characterization under controlled relative humidity (RH) conditions. It integrates multiple instruments to monitor and analyze the electrical properties of samples that are sensitive to moisture. The setup includes a custom-built RH chamber regulated and recorded by an Arduino, capable of precise RH control. The system measures current and voltage of the sample using a Keithley 2700 multimeter, with an alternative option of using Mastech MS8050 instruments and with the optional use of a Keysight B2902A Source Measure Unit (SMU) for advanced testing. The system is capable of measuring two samples simultaneously. All devices are managed via a custom LabVIEW-based software platform, enabling automated data collection and analysis. The HCMS is suitable for testing a variety of materials and devices beyond moisture-driven energy generators (MEGs), including – but not limited to- organic and inorganic semiconductors, thin films, solar cells, sensors etc.


RH Control:

– RH Range: 0-95 %
– RH Resolution: ±2 %
– Humidification Method: Custom humidifier controlled by Arduino

Electrical Measurement:
– Primary Instrument: Keithley 2700
– Alternative Instrument: Mastech MS8050 DMM
– Measurement Capabilities: Current, Voltage, Resistance
– Simultaneous Measurement: Two samples

– Platform: LabVIEW-based custom software
– Capabilities: Automated control and data logging, real-time monitoring
– Additional Features (to be added):
– Temperature and light controlled environment