
Manual device mounting

Manual device mounting
Transnational Access Activity/Installation
TA3. Prototype fabrication • TA3.1. Device Preparation

Equipment: Manual Device Mounting.
Technique: Manual pick and place station.
Contact person (RISE): Yusuf Mulla (yusuf.mulla@ri.se)
esponsible: Olle Hagel (olle.hagel@ri.se)

Description: Manual pick and place station and equipment for surface mounting of devices. 

Specifications: Station includes access to a manual pick and place machine with microcope (Optilia), camera and a large set of bookable ovens (Nobertern 30-300 °C; WTE vacuum binder; EC-reflow-mate heat/pressure/reflow oven). Mounting of chips can be done on a wide variety of substrates.