
Microwave synthesis: Microwave CEM Discover SP

Microwave synthesis: Microwave CEM Discover SP

Equipment: Microwave CEM Discover SP
Technique: Synthesis
Contact person (UNINOVA): Pedro Barquinha (pmcb@fct.unl.pt), Ana Rovisco (a.rovisco@fct.unl.pt)
Responsible: Ana Pimentel (acgp@fct.unl.pt)

Description: The Discover SP is a powerful microwave synthesizer for performing a wide range of organic and inorganic synthetic chemistry. The system features a best-in-class 25 mL single-mode microwave cavity, allowing for extremely flexible reaction vessel sizes, in both pressurized and open vessel modes.


  • Widest pressurized vessel sizes for a single-mode microwave – 10mL, 35mL, 100mL;
  • IR Temperature Sensor that sees through glass and Teflon;
  • Vent and reseal technology for safe handling of over-pressurization (ActiVent);
  • Variable speed magnetic stirring and rapid compressed air cooling.

Link for additional information: CEM Discover SP Brochure