
TA2. Material synthesis and ink formulation

Transnational Access Activity
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Technique: Thermal Interface Material Analyzer (TIMA 5) Acquisition year: 2024 Contact person (RISE): Yusuf Mulla (yusuf.mulla@ri.se) Responsible: Ioannis Petsagkourakis (ioannis.petsagkourakis@ri.se) Description: A system for...
Equipment: Laser micromachining workstation – FemtoLAB Technique: Laser structuring Contact person (Technische Universität Dresden): Ali Shaygan Nia (ali.shaygan_nia@tu-dresden.de), Hans Kleemann (hans.kleemann1@tu-dresden.de) Responsible: Hans Kleemann (hans.kleemann1@tu-dresden.de)...
The 30M printers work with all Hyrel print heads, allowing you to work with numerous materials, including store-bought or home-made filaments.
 SoA optical spectroscopy system to measure thin-film absorption, transmission and reflection.
This high end, high current potentiostat/galvanostat, with a compliance voltage of 30 V and a bandwidth of 1 MHz, combined with our FRA32M module,...
ACEY-VM-250ML vacuum mixing and dispersion are integrated high-efficiency equipment, suitable for the positive and negative slurry mixing process, as well as the mixing of...
The UP400St is suitable to fulfil various applications such as homogenizing, emulsifying, dispersing, deagglomeration & wet-milling (particle size reduction), cell disruption & disintegration, extraction,...
The special feature of this mixing principle is the double rotation of the mixing bowl.
This dissolver has a frequency adapter to adjust the speed and are controlled via controls on the monitor. Various attachments allow for dispersing, mixing...
In Planetary Ball Mills, the comminution of the material to be ground takes place primarily through the high-energy impact of grinding balls in rotating...
 State-of-the-Art X-Ray diffraction system (Bragg-Brentano geometry) and gracing incidence driffaction. 2D Detector (Lyx-Eye).
UPS (ultraviolet photoelectron spectroscopy) can measure HOMO position, ionization potential and vacuum level of metals and semiconducting materials.