
Non-destructive XR-CT imaging

Transnational Access Activity/Installation
TA4. Characterization of prototypes and demonstrators

Equipment: General Electric, nanotom

Technique: Non-destructive failure analysis via XR-Computed Tomography (CT)


XR-CT is a non-destructive imaging method for the assessment of homogeneity, porosity, material phases, changes in microstructure after material ageing of single components or devices. A wide range of materials can be displayed, especially in a composite. In-situ analysis under thermal (-15°C to 140°C), mechanical or electrical stress are possible.


  • 180 kV X-ray tube
  • 3052 x 2400 area detector
  • Voxel size to 5 µm
  • 2D Radioscopy
  • 3D Computed Tomography.