
Static and Dynamic electrical test system

Static and Dynamic electrical test system
Transnational Access Activity/Installation
TA4. Characterization of prototypes and demonstrators

Equipment: aixACCT TF Analyzer 3000

Technique: Static and dynamic electrical analysis


FE module: Standard measurements on ferroelectric materials and it consists of a voltage amplifier for output voltages of up to 30 V and current amplifiers for detecting the test current. Multiple ranges between 10 pA and 1 A are available in order to make full use of the bandwidth and definition.

The following modes are available: (1) Hysteresis measurement / Dynamic hysteresis (DHM), (2) Fatigue measurement FM, (3) Retention measurement (RM), (4) Static hysteresis measurement, (5) Imprint measurement, and (6) Leakage current (LM)

RS module: Determining the main electric characteristics of resistive switching materials. It offers combined voltage excitation with current measurement and voltage

monitoring, or current excitation with voltage measurement and current monitoring. It was developed to perform various measurements on resistive switching materials to determine their main electronic characteristics.


  • Arbitrary waveform generator up to 100 Ms/s
  • Pulse width down to 50 ns
  • Frequency 01 Hz up to 1 MHz
  • Voltage range ±25 V
  • Output current ±1 A (±500 V)
  • Temperature range -50°C up to 400°C
  • 4 point prober system