Transnational Access Activity/Installation
TA2. Material synthesis and ink formulation

Equipment: UV-2401PC

Technique: Absorbance, Transmission and Reflectance spectra of both liquid and solid samples


The Shimadzu UV-2401PC UV-Visible Spectrophotometer is a standard research-grade double-beam spectrophotometer that allows acquisition of UV-Visible spectra and accurate quantitative measurement of an absorbing analyte of interest by application of a Beer’s Law Analysis. It uses UV Probe PC Software for data acquisition and analysis. It is able to measure Absorbance, Transmission and Reflectance spectra of both liquid and solid samples in the range of 190 to 900 nm. The software is capable of acquiring data in spectrum mode, photometric mode and kinetic data.


  • Optical System: Double-beam
  • Spectral Bandwidth: 1, 0.2, 0.5, 1, 2 and 5nm
  • Wavelength Range: 190 to 900nm
  • Accuracy: ±0.3nm
  • Repeatability: ±0.1nm
  • Photometric Readout: Absorbance, %Transmittance, %Reflectance, Energy
  • Range: -4.000 to +5.000A; 0 to 999.9%T and %R
  • Accuracy: (with NIST 930 Filter) ±0.002A (0 to 0.5A); ±0.004A (0.5 to 1A); ±0.3%T (0 to 100%T)
  • Scan Speed: (approx. at 2.0nm)FAST (1233nm/min.), MEDIUM (641nm/min.), SLOW (467nm/min.), SUPER SLOW (310nm/min.)
  • Drift: (after 2 warmup) <0.0004A/hr.
  • Lamps: Halogen (50W), deuterium
  • Detector: Photomultiplier R-928
  • Monochromator: Single
  • Stray Light: (at 220 and 340nm)<0.015%
  • Noise: (300nm peak-to-peak)0.0030A