Equipment: FS5 Edinburgh Instruments for Time Resolved Photoluminescence (TRPL) measurements
Technique: Spectrofluorometry
Contact person (Hellenic Mediterranean University): Konstantinos Rogdakis (
- Steady State Fluorescence.
- Fluorescence Lifetime (TCSPC).
- Phosphorescence Lifetime (MCS).
- Spectral Coverage into the Near-Infrared.
- Polarisation and Anisotropy (POL).
- Multiple detector ports in one fully integrated instrument, measure up to 1650 nm and fluorescence lifetimes down to 25 ps.
- >10,000:1 Water Raman SNR, high sensitivity allows for detection of very weak fluorescence signals.
- Three detectors as standard, reference detector to correct for light source fluctuations, transmission detector for absorbance, single-photon counting (SPC) detector for ultimate sensitivity.
- Plug & Play sample modules, automatic sample module recognition and initialisation saves the user time and effort. Wide range of modules available for varied sample analysis.