
TA4.1. Device metrology & characterization

Transnational Access Activity
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Equipment: External quantum efficiency (EQE) and electrical characterization setup system (home-made) Technique: Electro-optical characterization Contact person (Technische Universität Dresden): Ali Shaygan Nia (ali.shaygan_nia@tu-dresden.de), Hans Kleemann (hans.kleemann1@tu-dresden.de)...
Equipment: External quantum efficiency (EQE) setup system(home-made) Technique: Optical Spectroscopy Contact person (Technische Universität Dresden): Ali Shaygan Nia (ali.shaygan_nia@tu-dresden.de), Hans Kleemann (hans.kleemann1@tu-dresden.de) Responsible: Johannes Benduhn (johannes.benduhn@tu-dresden.de) Description: Setup...
Equipment: WITec alpha300 RAS Technique: Raman Spectroscopy Contact person (RISE): Yusuf Mulla (yusuf.mulla@ri.se) Responsible: Illia Dobryden (illia.dobryden@ri.se) Description: Confocal Raman microscopy and spectroscopy technique...
The Lifetime setup can measure relative luminance change, voltage, CIE of OLEDs over long time.
The system allows to determine absolute OLED efficiencies ( EQE in %, Luminous efficacy in lm/W) in a single measurement.
This high end, high current potentiostat/galvanostat, with a compliance voltage of 30 V and a bandwidth of 1 MHz, combined with our FRA32M module,...
Setup for measuring Photoluminescence Quantum Yield (PLQY) of thin film evaporated and spincoated samples. 
Fabrication of OLED/ Organic Solar Cells in UHV on large area substrates
SEM tabletop microscope operating at 5 and 15 kV equipped with energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) detector.
The UV confocal Raman microscope is an advanced method to acquire chemical and phase compositions, texture, phase transitions, residual stresses and structural information non-destructively...
The optical microscope is a standard modular microscope that permits sample observation and images acquisition and analysis through the Cell A software.
QUANTX-300 is Newport’s fully-integrated system for Internal Quantum Efficiency (IQE) and External Quantum Efficiency (EQE) measurement of photovoltaic devices.