
 X-ray diffraction: PANanalytical Xpert PRO

 X-ray diffraction: PANanalytical Xpert PRO

Equipment: PANalytical X’Pert PRO MPD (Multi-Purpose Diffractometer)
Technique: X-ray Diffraction
Contact person (UNINOVA): Pedro Barquinha (pmcb@fct.unl.pt), Ana Rovisco (a.rovisco@fct.unl.pt)
Responsible: Joana Vaz Pinto (jdvp@fct.unl.pt)

Description: X-ray diffraction is a non-destructive technique used for the identification and quantification of the crystalline phase composition of powdered, bulk, and thin film samples. It is based on the detection of an x-ray beam that is diffracted by the crystal planes of a sample giving information on the crystalline phases present, plane stress, crystallite dimensions among other properties. 

Specifications: Goniometer:  Theta-Theta configuration with a radius of 240 mm and a minimum step size in ω and 2θ of 0.001°. 

  • Ceramic X-ray tube with a Cu anode (λ = 1.540593 A, kα) with both linear and point focus possibilities; Maximum HT of 60 kV and Maximum current of 55mA;
  • X-ray mirror: Gutman type for parallel beam configuration as GIXRD and XRR (Axial divergence of 0.04 ° and Reflectivity of 65 %)
  • Exchangeable PreFIX Modules: Flat sample stage, Spinner for allowing sample rotation.
  • Microdiffraction and monocapillary preFIX:  0.1 mm exit beam (200 μm wide spot size) and alignment Microscope 
  • MRI non-ambient Chamber: Pt foil holder, temperature range between 30 °C and 1200°C; manual height adjustment.

Samples: Bulk samples with overall thicknesses below 5 mm, mounted horizontally with a flat surface. A Si 0-bakground holder is available for low amounts of powdered material. Typical analysis requires samples with a 1 cm2 exposed area but optics can be adjusted to smaller incident areas.

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