
Robot system for measurement of Hanses solubility parameters (HSP)

Robot system for measurement of Hanses solubility parameters (HSP)

Equipment: UV-2401PC

Technique: Semi-automatic measurement of Hansen solubility parameters based on the binary solvent method using UV-VIS spectroscopy in combination with pipetting robot for highly accurate preparation of the liquid samples.

Contact person: Roman Kucera (r.kucera@fz-juelich.de)


The HSP of polymers and small molecules are determined by measuring their solubility curves in four different solvent-antisolvent systems. The required high-throughput and highly accurate sample preparation is achieved using an automated robotic setup. After the formation of oversaturated solutions, the undissolved solute residues are removed by centrifuge filtration, and the concentrations of the homogenous solutions are determined by UV-VIS spectroscopy using a plate reader. The HSP are obtained by fitting the data using HSPiP software. This experimental setup significantly streamlines the analysis, requiring only 20-30 mg of the material and a process time of about 3hours for suitable materials.


  • Pipetting robot, Freedom Evo 100, Tecan Group AG, Switzerland
  • Plate reader, Infinite m200 Pro, Tecan Group AG, Switzerland
  • Two hot plates, IKA RH digital, IKA-Werke GmbH & CO. KG, Germany
  • Heat sealer, 4s3, 4titude, 4titude Ltd., United Kingdom
  • Robot shaker, TE-Shake, Tecan Group AG, Switzerland
  • Centrifuge, Z32HK, rotor 221.16, HERMLE Labortechnik GmbH, Germany
  • Balance, R180D, Sartorius AG, Germany