Equipment: Bruker DektakXT
Technique: Profilometry
Contact person (Warsaw University of Technology): Jakub Krzemiński (
Responsible: Piotr Walter (
Description: Bruker DektakXT is a stylus profilometer capable of measuring 55 mm in a single scan and 3D mapping of area up to 200 mm x 200 mm with stitching. Stage configuration allows for automated X, Y, and rotation along the stage’s normal vector. Stylus measuring range (z) is up to 1 mm with a minimum resolution of 15 nm. Stages fixtures are interchangeable: vacuum table for 8-inch) wafers and 150 mm x 150 mm microporous ceramic vacuum table are available.
- Stage with X / Y / θ automated positioning in range of 200 mm/ 200 mm / 360°.
- Single scan length: 55 mm.
- Measuring area available for stitching: 200 mm x 200 mm.
- Maximal sample dimentions: 300 mm x 300 mm x 50 mm.
- Interchangeable stylus: 12.5 μm tip radius, 2 μm tip radius.
- Measurement resolution in the Z-axis declared by supplier:
- 0.1nm in 6.5 μm measuring range.
- 1 nm in 65.5 μm measuring range.
- 8 nm in 524 μm measuring range.
- 15 nm in 1000 μm measuring range.
- Stage fixture (A): round vacuum table with a diameter of 203 mm for 8-inch wafers.
- Stage fixture (B): planar, microporous ceramic vacuum table with dimensions: 150 mm x 150 mm.
- Computer software enabling automated series of measurements, profile analysis (i.e., Ra, Rq, Wa), macro-geometry filtering, stitching, and 3D mapping.
Link for additional information: profilometers/dektakxt.html