
TA4.2. Validation and standardization

Transnational Access Activity
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The open-air lab possesses all the supporting infrastructure, such as power electronics and automatic data acquisition systems for their continuous monitoring of the performance...
The manual device is used to assemble electronics components. The system is equipped with a heating table and heated nozzle. 
Climate chamber able to test the effects of environmental conditions on products, materials, or electronic devices. Our device has the possibility to simulate the...
Bruker DektakXT is a stylus profilometer capable of measuring 55 mm in a single scan and 3D mapping of area up to 200 mm...
SCS Labcoter® 2 (PDS 2010) is a CVD Parylene deposition system capable of non-porous polymer coatings with layer thickness from 0,5 to 750 μm.
Cometech QC-Tech M2 tensile machine is a universal tensile machine with large test space, long stroke and maximum test capacity is 20 kN. Currently,...
Hitachi SU 8230 is a Field Emission Gun Scanning Electron Microscope (FEGSEM) capable of 1.1 nm resolution at 1.5 mm working distance at 1.0...