Equipment: JOR-Prototype/Piezoelectric + Ferroelectric Measurement Stand
Technique: Piezoelectric + Ferroelectric Measurement Stand
Contact person (Joanneum Research): Barbara Stadlober (
Responsible: Martin Zirkl /
Description: This setups allows for calibrated, reproducible measurements to evaluate the performance of ferroelectric sensors including hysteresis poling thereof. The setup consisted of four pneumatic cylinders (3g – 3kg) with exchangeable stamps and a laser diode as well as a high-pressure stamp (200kg). The operation of the test stand is completely software based thus enabling fully automated measurement sequences.
Specifications: The features of the measurement setup are as follows:
NI PXIe-4139 System SMU: Precision System SMU With NI SourceAdapt Technology:
- 100 fA or 100 nV resolution
- 1.8 MS/s sampling rate and 100 kS/s update rate
NI PXIE-4140 4-Channel Source Measure Unit:
- 4 SMU channels per single-slot, 3U PXI Express module
- ±10 V at ±100 mA output with 4-quadrant operation
- 100 pA current measurement sensitivity
- Continuous sampling of up to 600 kS/s
- Onboard hardware sequencing engine for triggering and synchronization
Keithley 6517A Electrometer/High Resistance Meter being well suited for low current and high impedance voltage, resistance, and charge measurements.
2 High Voltage Amplifiers up to 10kV/10mA and 3kV/60mA for electric poling.