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Project News
We’re excited to announce that next week (20th- 24th of March) we are organizing the First EMERGE project online school with Pedro Barquinha, Konstantinos Rogdakis, and Konstantinos Petridis (interaction with ATHENA university)!  The school will be a blended training programme combining on-line and face to face intensive training sessions. The online school will be open...
Let’s meet Milija Sarajlić and Evgenija Milinković! Both participants are researchers at Institute for Chemistry, Technology and Metallurgy (Serbia), who submitted a project idea for exploring the potential offered by screen printing technique for depositing metal oxide mixtures for oxygen sensors. This project makes part of a collection of 7 projects submitted during the first...
7 proposals were collected at the deadline of 15th July 2022 and evaluated. 5 proposals had successfully passed the technical feasibility assessment by the EMEGE Technical Liaison Office and international peer review led by the External Reviewers Panel.  In October, EMERGE users started to implement their advanced science, who will make the best use of EMERGE installations...
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