
TA1. Theory: Modelling, simulation, and design of materials, devices and systems

Transnational Access Activity
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Software: In-house FZJ-DCFI modeling tool for solar cell JV-curves simulations Technique: optical modeling based on Transfer Matrix Formalism (TMF) and electronical modeling based on...
Software: Integrated Circuit Design Tools Technique: Integrated circuit design using Mentor graphics or Altium designer tools Contact person (RISE): Yusuf Mulla (yusuf.mulla@ri.se) Responsible: –...
Software: Computer-Aided Design (CAD) Technique: Frame design tools Contact person (RISE): Yusuf Mulla (yusuf.mulla@ri.se) Responsible: Jessica Åhlin (jessica.ahlin@ri.se) Description: Access to software that enables...
Software: Synopsys TCAD Technique: Simulation of devices using Synopsis Contact person (RISE): Yusuf Mulla (yusuf.mulla@ri.se) Responsible: Ulf Gisslander (ulf.gisslander@ri.se) Description: Synopsys TCAD is a...
Software: COMSOL Multiphysics®: Fuel Cell & Electrolyzer Module Technique: Simulation Contact person (UNINOVA): Pedro Barquinha (pmcb@fct.unl.pt), Ana Rovisco (a.rovisco@fct.unl.pt) Responsibles: Manuel J. Mendes (mj.mendes@fct.unl.pt),...
PFSim-Prost is a parallel phase-field code for the simulation of multicomponent and multiphase mixtures undergoing thermodynamic phase transformations, which is coupled to the equations...
LB3D is a state of the art massively parallel lattice Boltzmann code for the simulation of multicomponent and multiphase fluids which is specifically applicable...
Software for modelling thin-film solar cells with arbitrary device geometry.
A suite of tools by SILVACO™ for TCAD simulation of semiconductor technologies.
 FDTD is a numerical analysis technique used for modelling computational electrodynamics. The simulation area is discretized into so called Yee cells.
Free-form-optics offer the ability for creating tailor made radiant intensity or irradiance distributions, which cannot be achieved using conventional optical lenses.
 ASAP is a commercial raytracing software for simulating the behaviour of optical components or entire optical systems. This technique is based on the geometrical...