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Transnational Access Activity
Transnational Access Activity
Brunauer-Emmett-Teller (BET) surface areas analysis device explicitly used to elucidate intrinsic porosity as well as specific surface areas of the sample.
The single quadrupole compact mass spectrometer (cms) by Advion offers polarity switching in a single analysis for a greater range of detectable ions.
The Bruker MultiMode 8 AFM provides nano-meter surface topography imaging and pico-Newtown surface force measurement in air.
Fabrication of OLED/OSC/ OTFT in UHV
Fabrication of perovskite solarcell in UHV
Fabrication of OLED/ Organic Solar Cells in UHV on large area substrates
The Thermo Heraeus T6 is a drying oven with natural convection, used for thermal processes.
The 2.6-litre ZEPTO is a plasma system used for surface cleaning, surface activation, surface etching and surface deposition (plasmapolymerization).
SCIL technology is particularly suitable for high demand imprint processes.
Tabletop micropattern generator for direct writing applications and low volume mask fabrication, compatible with up to 6” substrates and enabling features sizes with 600...
The desktop VLS3.50 is small enough to fit on a work surface yet powerful enough to meet the requirements of on-demand production.
The PLS6MW (Multi-Wavelength) is a free-standing platform that uses multiple laser wavelengths to process the broadest possible spectrum of materials and supports either CO2...

Access to design, modelling and simulation facilities will address projects oriented on high-resolution multiscale process simulations, as well as machine learning artificial intelligence based approaches giving insight and guidelines for novel material growth, functional design, and fabrication.

Access to materials synthesis and characterization facilities will be devoted to faster, cheaper and more sustainable ink/ pastes formulation with improved quality control dedicated to specific application scopes.

Access to prototypes fabrication facilities will focus on highly efficient production of sophisticated and complex flexible large-area printed electronics and photonics systems with high conformability and integrability dedicated to specific application needs allowing upscaling and technology transfer processes towards industrial production.

Access to demonstrators’ test, validation and characterization aims to establish performance and stability tests under industrial protocols in simulated and real conditions for various types of devices using a wide variety of available characterization methods aiming at specifying universal metrology protocols. Besides, it will offer solutions on encapsulation processes and investigations of ageing processes while developing automated testing setups to accelerate device evaluation.